Hi, my siblings! How are you doing today? 😇😇 These couple days we are talking about the meaning of being busy, that's quite a serious problem, since we believed in God, how much time we spend for God, how much time we truly before God, and these days I pondered over this serious question, also I pondered something about the true meaning of living a meaningful life, I aware that enjoy rich materials is not the true meaning of living in this world, if we just enjoy the material things, our life will be in vain, when we reach the end of our life, we will gain nothing, that's really a pity! One sister shared a passage of me, after reading this passage, I know more clearly about God's will and how to live a meaningful life, that's very beneficial! Here, I want to share with all of my siblings!
"As someone who is normal, and who pursues the love of God, entry into the kingdom to become one of the people of God is your true future, and a life that is of the utmost value and significance. No one is more blessed than you—and why do I say this? Because those who do not believe in God live for the flesh, and they live for Satan, but today you live for God, and live to carry out the will of God. That is why I say your lives are of the utmost significance. Only this group of people, who have been selected by God, are able to live out a life of the utmost significance: No one else on earth is able to live out a life of such value and meaning. Because you have been selected by God, and are raised up by God, and, moreover, because of God’s love for you, you have grasped the true life, and know how to live a life that is of the utmost value. This is not because your pursuit is good, but because of the grace of God; it was God who opened the eyes of your spirit, and it was the Spirit of God that touched your heart, giving you the good fortune to come before Him. "
from "Know the Newest Work of God and Follow the Footsteps of God"
If you want to read more, please click here: Know the Newest Work of God and Follow the Footsteps of God
