Hi, everybody! Hope all of you have a wonderful day today! Yesterday we talked about how to live a meaningful life, on the other hand, we need to know how satan corrupt us, it's also very important for us to see through satan's trick, and it will also be beneficial for us to know God's will much better! So I pondered over for a while, and wanted to know clearly about the ways that satan corrupt human being, when I searched on the internet, I found a passage of words, full of enlightenment, I was enlightened by these words, it's so clear to tell us the ways how satan corrupt us! Share with all of my siblings! 💗💗🙏🙏
The topic for today is: How Satan corrupts man? There are five ways, let's share one by one.
"A. How Satan Uses Knowledge to Corrupt Man
We will first talk about the most superficial aspect of this topic. When you were having Chinese lessons in school, were the language and writing able to corrupt people? They couldn't. Can words corrupt people? (No.) Words do not corrupt people; they are a tool that allows people to speak with and a tool with which people communicate with God. Furthermore, language and words are how God communicates with people now, they are tools, they are a necessity. One plus one equals two, this is knowledge, right? Two multiplied by two equals four, this is knowledge, right? But can this corrupt you? This is common sense and a rule so it cannot corrupt people. So what knowledge does corrupt people? It's knowledge that has Satan's viewpoints and thoughts mixed in with it, Satan seeks to imbue these viewpoints and thoughts into humanity through knowledge. For example, in an essay, is there anything wrong with the written words? (No.) So, where would the problem be? The viewpoints and intent of the author when he wrote the essay as well as the content of his thoughts—these are spiritual things—are able to corrupt people. For example, if you were watching a television show, what sort of things in it could change your view? Would what the performers said, the words themselves, be able to corrupt people? (No.) What sort of things would corrupt people? It would be the core thoughts and content of the show, which would represent the director's views, and the information carried in these views could sway people's hearts and minds. Is that right? (Yes.) Do you know what I am referring to in My discussion of Satan using knowledge to corrupt people? (Yes, we do.) You won’t misunderstand, right? So when you read a novel or an essay again, can you evaluate whether or not the thoughts expressed in the essay corrupt mankind or contribute to humanity? (We can do so a little bit.) This is something that must be studied and experienced at a slow pace, it's not something that's easily understood right away. For example, when researching or studying an area of knowledge, some positive aspects of that knowledge may help you understand some common sense about that field, and what people should avoid. For example, take 'electricity,' this is a field of knowledge, right? You would be ignorant if you didn’t know that electricity can shock people, right? But once you understand this area of knowledge, you won’t be careless about touching something electrical and you’ll know how to use electricity. These are both positive things. Are you clear on what we are discussing about how knowledge corrupts people? (Yes, we are.) If you understand we will not continue to speak about it further because there are many types of knowledge studied in the world and you must take your time to differentiate them yourselves."
From "God Himself, the Unique V God’s Holiness (II)"
If you want to read more, please click here: God Himself, the Unique V God’s Holiness (II)
