😽😽🌞Hi, my siblings~ Hope all of you have a good beginning of this week! 😉😉
These days, we talked about the tricks of Satan, so today, I want to share some words of GOD'S LOVE!💝💖💕❤️💞
"God’s Command to Adam
(Gen 2:15-17) And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.
Did you get anything out of these verses? How does this part of the scriptures make you feel? Why was 'God's Command to Adam' extracted from the scriptures? Do each of you now have a snapshot of God and Adam in your minds? You can try to imagine: If you were the one in that scene, what would the God in your heart be like? What emotions does this image make you feel? This is a moving and heartwarming picture. Though there is only God and man in it, the intimacy between them is so worthy of envy: God's profuse love is gratuitously bestowed upon man, surrounds man; man is naive and innocent, unencumbered and carefree, blissfully living under God's eye; God shows concern for man, while man lives under God's protection and blessing; every single thing man does and says is closely linked to and inseparable from God."
If you want to read more, please click here: God’s Command to Adam
Hi, everybody! Hope all of you have a wonderful day today! Yesterday we talked about how to live a meaningful life, on the other hand, we need to know how satan corrupt us, it's also very important for us to see through satan's trick, and it will also be beneficial for us to know God's will much better! So I pondered over for a while, and wanted to know clearly about the ways that satan corrupt human being, when I searched on the internet, I found a passage of words, full of enlightenment, I was enlightened by these words, it's so clear to tell us the ways how satan corrupt us! Share with all of my siblings! 💗💗🙏🙏 The topic for today is: How Satan corrupts man? There are five ways, let's share one by one. "A. How Satan Uses Knowledge to Corrupt Man We will first talk about the most superficial aspect of this topic. When you were having Chinese lessons in school, were the language and writing able to corrupt people? They couldn't. Can words corrupt peo...